identifier not found "TJSON"

I'm following the example in the pdf to make an https json request from my web page using the TWebHttpRequest component.

In the response handler event I have the following code

procedure TForm1.WebHttpRequest1Response(Sender: TObject; AResponse: string);
  JA: TJSONArray;
  JO: TJSONObject;
  s: string;
  JS := TJSON.Create;

This fails the Pas2JS compilation with error
[Error] uViewer_Main.pas(73): identifier not found "TJSON"

What is happening here ?


TJSON is part of the WEBLib.JSON unit. Make sure to add it to the uses list.

Thx. I think the problem was when I Ctrl Clicked on the token it opened in the js.pas unit.

It's working correctly now.