ID Problem with version 4.17

Can it be that there is an error in the latest version 4.17?

    "error": {
        "code": "IdNotSetException",
        "message": "Id not set on entity of class TRolePermission."

I know the error. No primary key may be null ( or 0).
But I don't have a null-value. The code ran until yesterday.

                   .Where((Linq[ 'Name'] = myUserName) or (Linq[ 'Shortname'] =myUserName))

In debugger the "List" produces the error

Yes, sure it might be an error. But then we have to know how to reproduce and fix it. Do you have more information, a sample project, etc.?

I have a SQL script for MS SQL Server (auth.sql)
and the auth.dbEntities.pas Unit in a zip-file

In the statement above the "myUserName" is "sup" (6.6 KB)

Is this ok for testing?

And here is the DataModeler file (10.0 KB)

I tested the following:
I my Aurelius folder renamed (4.17) source to source_new
Copy (4.16) source from my notebook
and build the project new
It works with 4.16 sources and doesn't work with 4.17

Thank you for the information. That helped us identify and solve the problem. TMS Aurelius 4.17.2 has been released with the fix.

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