I want to create a Google Calendar and generate a Google Meet URL at the same time. (to set a parameter (conferenceDataVersion=1))

In order to generate a Google Meet URL while creating a Google Calendar, I want to use the TAdvGCalendar component in the TMS VCL Cloud Pack product to set a parameter (conferenceDataVersion=1) and apply (syntax A) to the request Json.

(Syntax A)
"conferenceData": {
"createRequest": {
"conferenceSolutionKey": {
"type": "hangoutsMeet"
requestId: JksKJJSK1KJSK

AdvGCalendar: TAdvGCalendar;


"start": {
"dateTime": "2023-05-31T18:00:00",
"timeZone": "KST"
"end": {
"dateTime": "2023-05-31T20:00:00",
"timeZone": "KST"
"conferenceData": {
"createRequest": {
"conferenceSolutionKey": {
"type": "hangoutsMeet"
requestId: JksKJJSK1KJSK

With two modifications to CloudCustomGCalendar.pas, we were able to see the Google Meet URL.

unit CloudCustomGCalendar;
function TAdvCustomGCalendar.GetCalendarData(Item: TGCalendarItem): string;
result := result

  • ' "start": { ' + starttime + ' },' + #13#10

  • ' "end": { ' + endtime + ' },' + #13#10
    // We added the following parts

  • ' "conferenceData": { ' + #13#10 // (23.05.25) added kth..

  • ' "createRequest": { ' + #13#10

  • ' "conferenceSolutionKey": { ' + #13#10

  • ' "type": "hangoutsMeet" ' + #13#10

  • ' }, ' + #13#10

  • ' "requestId": "test" ' + #13#10

  • ' } ' + #13#10

  • ' }, ' + #13#10

  • ' "location": "' + JSONEscape(Item.Location) + '", ' + #13#10

procedure TAdvCustomGCalendar.Add(Item: TGCalendarItem);
// We've modified the following
if Item.SendNotifications then
url := url + '?sendNotifications=true&conferenceDataVersion=1'
url := url + '?sendNotifications=false&conferenceDataVersion=1';
strRes := UTF8ToString(CleanupJSON(resdat));
// I was able to find the google meet URL in the strRes.

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