I want to adjust the width of Positions of TMSFNC Planner

In the VCL version of TPlanner, "TPlanner1.PositionWidths [0]: = 300;"
You can specify the Position width individually as, but does TMSFNCPlanner have a similar property?

Or is there a property item that automatically adjusts the width according to the number of duplicate ITEMs in the Cell?

I want to adjust the width when multiple ITEMs overlap on that Position.

Is it possible?

Hi, The planner does not have such property. It only has the ability to turn off position stretching as well as a general size for each column:

  TMSFNCPlanner1.PositionsAppearance.Stretch := False;
  TMSFNCPlanner1.PositionsAppearance.Size := 100;

Thank you as always

I've received an answer to this question before, but can I add methods or features so that the width can be adjusted according to the number of ITEMs included in the Position?

Or is it possible to add a function that automatically adjusts the width according to the number of ITEMs based on the initial width size?

As the number of elements increases in the same position column, it becomes smaller and harder to see.

It would be helpful if there was an alternative example.

In the VLC version, I could adjust it in the settings, but FNC does not have it, and I am in trouble because I can not think of a solution.

This is currently not possible unfortunately. The planner is currently not capable of having widths that are different, it's always based on a fixed size for each column the same.

Is it unlikely that it will be realized in the future?

We'll write it down and see what's possible.