Html Caching?

How can I stop the Web Core html files from being cached. I am using auto-increment version but the site is still showing a previous version of the html of my main page. The latest js version of the app is being run so somehow the caching is not being applied to html files.

I noticed its creating buttons that i connected to html button with id property but its randomly creates on screen because there isn't button that has same id in html (because its caching).
i looked around for solution

<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" />
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0" />

i found these meta tags but with this it will have performance issues they say. Is there any solution for me?

Thanks for viewing this request.

What browser / server do you use?
Must be something between browser & server.

For Browser : Chrome
For Server : Windows Server

Caching can be influenced by various factors when using Google Chrome as a web browser and IIS (Internet Information Services) as a web server. Here are some key factors that can affect caching in this context:

  1. HTTP Headers: HTTP headers play a crucial role in controlling caching behavior. Both the server (IIS) and the client (Google Chrome) can specify caching directives through headers. Common headers include Cache-Control, Expires, and Last-Modified. You can configure these headers on the server side (IIS) to instruct the client (Chrome) on how to cache resources.
  2. Cache-Control Directives: The Cache-Control header allows you to set directives that dictate how the browser should cache content. Common directives include max-age, no-cache, no-store, and public. Properly configuring these directives can influence how Chrome caches resources.
  3. ETag and Last-Modified Headers: These headers provide mechanisms for conditional requests. If your server supports these headers, Chrome can use them to determine whether it should fetch a new version of a resource or use a cached one.
  4. Response Headers: Ensure that the web server (IIS) is sending the appropriate caching-related headers with each response. For example, setting the Cache-Control header to public can allow intermediaries like proxy servers to cache content, improving performance.
  5. Service Workers: Google Chrome supports service workers, which are scripts that can control caching and provide offline capabilities. By implementing service workers, you can have more control over how resources are cached and served.
  6. DevTools Cache Controls: Developers can use the Chrome DevTools to inspect and manipulate the caching behavior of individual resources during development and debugging. This can help ensure that caching is working as intended.
  7. Browsing Mode: The browsing mode can affect caching. In incognito mode, Chrome typically disables caching to enhance privacy. Make sure you test your caching strategies in regular browsing mode.
  8. Browser Extensions: Chrome extensions can modify caching behavior. Disable any extensions that may interfere with caching to ensure accurate testing and performance measurements.
  9. Network Throttling: Chrome's DevTools allow you to simulate different network conditions, including various levels of throttling. Be aware that slower network conditions can affect how resources are cached.
  10. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing): Cross-origin requests may have different caching behavior, and the server's CORS configuration can influence this. Ensure that CORS headers are correctly set on the server.
  11. SSL/TLS: If you are using HTTPS (which is recommended), SSL/TLS settings can affect caching. For example, certain SSL settings may prevent caching of resources on intermediate proxy servers.
  12. Content Versioning: Using version numbers or content hashes in your resource URLs (e.g., style.css?v=2 or style.ab12cd.css) can force browsers to fetch new versions when they change, even if caching headers suggest otherwise.

Remember that caching behavior can be complex, and it's important to carefully configure both the server (IIS) and the client (Chrome) to achieve the desired caching outcomes. Testing and monitoring your website's performance with tools like Chrome DevTools and server-side logs can help you fine-tune your caching strategy for optimal results.

For IIS on Windows Server:

Configuring caching settings in Internet Information Services (IIS) involves several steps, and these settings can be found in various places within the IIS Manager console. Here's a general guide on where to find caching-related settings:

  1. HTTP Response Headers:a. Open the IIS Manager console on your server.b. In the Connections pane on the left, select your server's node.c. In the center pane, double-click on "HTTP Response Headers."d. Here, you can set HTTP response headers related to caching. For example, you can add or edit the Cache-Control header or the Expires header to control caching behavior.
  2. Output Caching:a. In the IIS Manager console, select your website (under "Sites") for which you want to configure output caching.b. In the center pane, double-click on "Output Caching."c. Here, you can configure output caching rules for various file types and content. You can set the duration for which responses should be cached, conditions for caching, and more.
  3. Content Compression (optional, but related to performance):a. In the IIS Manager console, select your server's node.b. In the center pane, double-click on "Compression."c. You can configure content compression settings, which can affect caching because compressed content may be cached differently.
  4. Static File Caching (for static resources like images, stylesheets, and JavaScript files):a. In the IIS Manager console, select your website.b. In the center pane, double-click on "Static Content."c. Here, you can configure how static content is cached by specifying the cache control settings.
  5. IIS URL Rewrite Module (for advanced caching and rewriting):a. If you're using the URL Rewrite module, it can be used to configure custom caching and rewriting rules.b. In the IIS Manager console, select your website, and you'll find the URL Rewrite module icon.c. Configure caching and rewriting rules as needed.

Remember that caching behavior can also be influenced by your web application's code, the content management system (CMS) you're using, and any third-party modules or extensions. Therefore, it's important to ensure that your server-level caching settings align with your application's caching strategy.

Always exercise caution when configuring caching settings, especially in a production environment, as incorrect settings can affect your website's performance and user experience. Testing and monitoring are essential to ensure your caching strategy works as intended.