How to stop automatic map repositioning when a Popup shows

When a Popup is shown, the map automatically re-positions if part of the popup is off screen. Is there any way to stop the re-positioning of the map when the popup is shown?

Please note that this is the default behaviour of the Google Maps service.
We'll have to investigate if this behaviour can be changed and if this can be added as an option in a future version.

A possible workaround is to use one of the other available mapping services where this behaviour is not present.

You can make this change:

unit VCL.TMSFNCMaps.GoogleMaps;

function TTMSFNCMapsGoogleMaps.GetShowPopup: string;
Result :=
' var lat = new ' + MAPSERVICEVAR + '.LatLng(' + PARAMSNAME + '["Latitude"], ' + PARAMSNAME + '["Longitude"]);' + LB +
' ' + POPUPVAR + ' = new ' + MAPSERVICEVAR + '.InfoWindow({' + LB +
' position: lat,' + LB +
' pixelOffset: new ' + MAPSERVICEVAR + '.Size(' + PARAMSNAME + '["OffsetX"], ' + PARAMSNAME + '["OffsetY"]),' + LB +
' content: ' + PARAMSNAME + '["Text"] , ' + LB +
' disableAutoPan: true' + LB +
' });' + LB +
' ' + POPUPVAR + '.open(' + MAPVAR + ');';

ATTN @Pieter_Scheldeman @Bart

We'll investigate and see if we can expose this via a parameter or property. This changes the default behaviour and might be something other users don't want to change. With a parameter, we can offer a way to control this. We'll take note of this and discuss the possibilities. For now, you can either manually change it, or use custom JavaScript code to change the behaviour.