How to refresh Many Valued association ?

Let's say we have class

TPatient = class
  [ManyValuedAssociation([TAssociationProp.Lazy], CascadeTypeAllRemoveOrphan)]
  FAppointments: Proxy<TList<TAppointment>>;
  function GetAppointmens: TList<TAppointment>;
  property Appointmens: TList<TAppointment> read GetAppointmens;

How i can reload /refresh Appointmens list without refreshing whole patient object ?

In Aurelius there is you option to refresh a specific property. You only refresh objects, which of course will update all its properties.

While you can iterate through the TAppointment objects in the Appointmens list to refresh the properties of each appointment, to refresh the list itself (which objects the list contains), which is a property of TPatient object, you need to refresh the full TPatient object.

But in that case if we have some memory changes in patient object which are not saved they will disappear right ?

Also if we have complex object with many lists this will generate overhead i don't want to refresh all of them just this one ...


That's how it works now. You can load a different patient object in a separated manager and check the list there, as a workaround.

What if in same object manager we do

TPatient = class
    [ManyValuedAssociation([TAssociationProp.Lazy], CascadeTypeAllRemoveOrphan)]
    FAppointments: Proxy<TList<TAppointment>>;
    procedure SetAppointmens(Value: TList<TAppointment>);
    property Appointmens: TList<TAppointment> read FAppointmens write SetAppointments;
  Patient.Appointmens := om.Find<TPatientVital>.Add(Linq['patientid'] = Patient.Id).Refreshing.List;

Yes, that look like a good solution indeed.