I have been using for years now my own modified components (WebEdit,
WebCheckBox, and others) with some added properties I need. I have also used them in Visual Studio Code. In delphi there is the dual code (for VCL designer and WebCore Runtime), but this presents no issues whatsoever.
Today I updated WebCore and FNC components, and switched the IDE to use the new web form designer, and found that it won't recognize my custom components.
From the video where Bruno shows how to install FNC componets for web, I understand that I must re-create my components for the web form designer.
Can you provide a template and a guideline of what is needed in order recompile my components for the web form designer, please?
Also hope to be able to modify the FNC componnets for web. In my recent experience I have successfully used FNC in VSC but not in Delphi.