How to Pass Pictures to Non Indy Email from ADVRichEditor

Hey Bruno,

Using a non Indy library: Smtp1.BodyText := ADVRichEditor1.ContentAsHTML('');

Works great but Pictures are not being imbedded in the HTML. Is there a way to include Pictures in the call to ContentAsHTML?

Thanks in advance,


Try to set
AdvRichEditor.HTMLImages := igInline

I am using:

// Used the Toolbar Button to Insert Pictures into ADVRichEditor1

ADVRichEditor1.HTMLImages := igInline ;
Smtp1.BodyText := ADVRichEditor1.ContentAsHTML('');

Do not get images but a blank box the size and shape of Image ????

Latest version?
What image format(s)?
Do you see in the produced HTML data URLs?
What do you render the HTML with?