How to cancel or stop while sorting?

I don't know how to stop or cancel a sort.

I have a DBAdvGrid with PageMode=False, it has a lot of rows.

I have a button on the form. In the onclick event I call programatically a DBAdvGrid.QSortIndexed. It takes about 10 seconds to perform and finish.

I want to put another button in the form to cancel this sort, because sometimes de user can wait until the sort finishes. Are there any methods, events or properties to stop or cancel de current sorting?
(Sorry about my english). I repeat the question:

I want to put another button in the form to cancel this sort, because sometimes the user can't wait until the sort finishes. Are there any methods, events or properties to stop or cancel the current sorting?

Once the sort is started, there is at this moment not a built-in feature to stop the sort.
We will need to investigate if and how this could be possibly integrated.