how do i mange the onShow/onCreate init correctly?

Hi ,please advice as i am still not very sure about 

1. the event life cycle the TMS webcore form , as the event is not exactly the same as 
    the delphi form , which we usually expecting , onCreate and then onShow , but 
    in TMS Webcore form , as it is async in nature so it is a different ,

   consider that  if use ,
   there is a main form and child form , which the child form is only <div> tag that will
   get loaded into main form <div id="my-panel">, 

   FCurrentChildForm := AFormClass.createNew(  aElementID , AOnAfterCreateProc )

   the AOnAfterCreateProc  and the actual form unit, if i also assign onCreate 
   at the form using the Object inspector , will the Form onCreate get fired ?

2. Is the application.createForm same as AFormClass.createNew ?

3. is there a way that i can assigned my own "AOnShowProc" to my form ?
    i tried , 
    it did not load my form into the main form, instead it display the child form's
    content only. is this the correct response ?

4. how do i make sure that all my components which some of them will need to
    request data from server separately and then update my form , to be able to
    run completely , as i find that some times my form i.e. certain KPI counter 
    which i request count from server does not get updated , 

    in shorts , i am having trouble to track as there are many different request 
    data send over to server and then got the reply after onCreate or onShow  of
    the form , do i have to do to each of the TwebClientDataset afterOpen event
    to handle the form update for each of my form ?

i find that the MOST difficult part of developing TMS webcore apps for me a new
web development is the time spent to track this Async nature and update the
data into my template form. Perhaps there is something i did wrong in terms
of handling the life cycle of form onCreate/onShow ? 

where Delphi ,we can initialize our parameter all either at onCreate or onShow .
Please advice , thanks for looking into some of my dump questions.

Hi not sure i am correct, as i "CHAIN"  the table on open event to fire another open table event , which that make it more easily to trace the "promise" that on Table open event fired one after another job is done which i use this method to initialize the screen upon confirm receiving of request data.  it is a lot more predictable. 

consider that it is solved for this case by now. thanks.

Many operations are in the browser by design asynchronous. If some actions depend on the result of other actions that happen asynchronously, then this is typically to solve this by chaining via the asynchronous event that signals action 1 is ready and only from there launch action 2.

We cannot do something about asynchronous behavior. Things like HTTP requests from the browser should be asynchronously handled. This is how the web applications stay responsive in all circumstances.