How do I attach a combobox to a given cell in a TAdvStringGrid

I have TAdvStringGrid called asgSettings, with two columns and several rows.
The first column is a fixed column with text and the second column can contain any text.
I would like to have a row where the first column is still a text and the second column is a dropdown list to be setup on-the-fly.

I have tried this:

asgSettings.DefaultEditor := edComboList;
and then setting contents with
for Indx := 0 to StrLst.count - 1 do

All this seems to work fine but my problem is that the combobox is not attached to the second cell in the dedicated column I want. It seems to be attached to the asgSettings grid itself, as it is displayed in
the upper left corner.

How do I nail the combobox to a specific cell in my gride?

Thanks, in advance
Per Larsen

Can you check demo 5 that demonstrates how you can control the combobox behavior per cell?