How can i check if TMSFNCCloudStorageServices1 is already connected ?


How can i check if TMSFNCCloudStorageServices1 is already connected ?

Waiting your answer!
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Via the OnConnected event

Can you send me an example please?

With OnConnect event, i can detect when TMSFNCCloudStorageServices1 is connected...

But how can in detect if TMSFNCCloudStorageServices1 is not connected ?

You are not connected until the OnConnected event is triggered.

Ok, but if internet drop and comeback, the connection to cloud drop but in application is noted as true...

There is no other way to check the actual status of connection ?

If the connection fails during a request then the request will fail. The connected status is valid as in "ready to use the service", it's not related to the internet. If the internet comes back, you don't need to reconnect, you can simply execute requests again. We currently don't have components to check if the internet is up. Maybe this can help: