I am using the Hover and would the cell the user clicks to maintain the same colors as the rest of the row.
Currently, the clicked cell changes from the hovered color to a plain black text on white AND it keeps this for subsequent hovers over the row.
How can I get it to not change or keep? I would like the entire row to have the Hover colors at all times.
Thanks in advance.
Did you try to set goRowSelect = true in grid.Options and set the grid.SelectionColor to the same color as the hover color?
I tried that, but it doesn't work.
The Hover works fine. I just do not want it to change when the user single clicks on the cell itself. As it works, the rest of the row maintains the hover setting, but the cell itself changes.
The selected cell shows even when hovered over thereafter.
How can the 'Selection' mode be turned off may be the best way to describe the problem.
I cannot see any issue with:
advstringgrid1.HoverRow := true;
advstringgrid1.SelectionColor := AdvStringGrid1.HoverRowColor;
advstringgrid1.Options := advstringgrid1.Options + [goRowSelect];