Help with event AdvStickyPopupMenu ButtonClick

I am using C++ Builder 2009 and AdvStickyPopupMenu version
I am dynamically adding MenuItems to the AdvStickyPopupMenu which is set up as seen below. I have two static TButtonBar items across the top. When I click any of these MenuItems or ButtonBar items it triggers the event AdvStickyPopupMenu1ButtonClick(TObject *Sender, int Index). The index values for the TButtonBar start at 0 and move +1 to the right. The index values for the MenuItems start a 0 and move +1 down the menu list. How can I determine if the click came from a MenuItem or a TButtonBar? If I have Index = 0 I can look that up as either a ButtonBar or a MenuItem as seen below.
    i = AdvStickyPopupMenu1->MenuItems->Count;
    AdvStickyPopupMenu1->MenuItems->Items[(i-1)]->Caption="Edit Your Text";
    AdvStickyPopupMenu1->MenuItems->Items[(i-1)]->Style = isMenuItem;
PS I have the OnClick=NULL in an attempt to block the event from being called. This did not work the vent is still triggered.
Patrick Mikula.

Click on Buttonbar trigers button click event and click on menu trigers menuclick event, and we found it working this way, so we really could not understand your problem or could not reproduce it. Please provide more details or sample project.

I resolved this problem by removing the line of code below.  Setting the OnClick to NULL caused the problem.
