Help on TWebHttpRequest

i need some example on manage errors on TwebHttRequest.
I need to known status and error codes (200=ok, error 400, etc...);
How I can obtain this status infos, or there are examples on manage http status?
Thanks in advance.

Did you try something like:

procedure TForm1.WebHttpRequest1RequestResponse(Sender: TObject;
  ARequest: TJSXMLHttpRequestRecord; AResponse: string);
  if (ARequest.req.Status = '404') then
  if (ARequest.req.Status = '200') then

Hi Bruno, ok.
Please be careful that Status is not a String, but an integer. There is a bug.

Sorry, indeed, I overlooked this.

Hi Bruno,
also Code Completation tell string... but at compile time is required an Integer. So need to be correct.
Good Job

We can confirm the code completion will be corrected in v1.5