Help files for C++Builder Seattle

Hi all,

I'm a user of TMS Component Pack and when I try to download the help files, I only get those for XE6 as a zip archive, which need to be registered with the MS Help manually. That fails for Seattle because the configured parent "embarcadero.rs_xe6" doesn't exist. Anyway it looks like Embarcadero doesn't use the newer MS Help anymore, because in my default installation I got the older HTML help files.

The downloaded help installer was for XE 4 when I last installed, so won't change a thing about the parent configuration and additionally doesn't work in my environment at all, because it installs and registers files for the account used for the installation, which in my case is not my account I work under. And even uninstallation didn't work in the past, because reghelp32 hang with some error dialog and needed to be killed manually to get the process succeed. So I try to avoid the installer at all.

But how am I supposed to access the help in my Seattle now? I would like to be able to press F1 on a control property like I could in the past again. If that#s not possible for any reason anymore, I would at least want to register the XE6 help files with MS Document Explorer manually, but don't know which parent I would need to use. When I open dexplore.exe manually, there's absolutely no content from Embarcadero.

Thanks for your help.

Embarcadero changed the format of the online help files (again) from XE8.
This means we would need to generate online help now in 3 different formats to cover all Delphi versions we support (and have the tools to do so, as we rely on 3rd party tools to generate help files). We have decided it makes more sense to choose PDF files as the main source of documentation as it is universal and can be read from everywhere and has the benefit it can provide much more context / story information about the component design & architecture. So, our focus is on PDF doc and you can find all doc we have so far here: 
Bruno Fierens2016-01-21 10:03:56

Thanks for the clarification, so it seems there's no point anymore in trying to get the old help files running in my environment. Looking at your link, I can see some docs which are not part of the "Doc" folder of my Component Pack installation, but the mentioned components are part of it, like TAdvEdit, and for some components I seem to lack docs in my installation folder as well as on the link you provided, e.g. TAdvDualListBox or TAdvListBox.

Am I right that if I search my PDFs and have a look at your link and can't find a needed component, that the documentation for it is missing currently? Do you at least plan to provide all the former available information as PDF in future? Or is really everything you currently have as documentation already is part of the PDFs from my installation and your link and there's simply not ore available for e.g. TAdvListBox and never was?

My problem is pretty easy: I needed to test some components like TAdvDualListBox and just wanted to look up some design time property to understand on how exactly it behaves. I never used it before and therefore don't know if any help for it was available in the past or not. But as F1 in the IDE didn't work and I couldn't find anything useful in my available PDFs, I just want to make sure that I'm accessing the correct and current sources for documentation and am not missing something.