grouping wrong when saving


Long time I posted on the board, but I found some issues when grouping and saving into the library.
If you take the  diagramdemo which is provided, I made three diagramblocks and group them. Then I take another two and group them as well. Then I go into the screen where you can save it in the library, I choose category and name of item. (I know that it does a GroupSelectedBlocks and a serializestring)
When I load back the saved item and press on ungroup, my items are not grouped correctly anymore.
Any help is most welcome

And another problem, the links are not saved when joining two diagramlinejoins by a diagramline. The anchors are nil when loading it back from the library

Any help on this is as well most welcome :-)


I could not reproduce the first problem reported. About the second one, we have sent a patch to fix the issue, through e-mail.