Grid - Save Back To Dataset After Load From XLS


I have the Firemonkey TMS grid, live bound to a dataset.

After I load an Excel .XLS file using XLSImport method, all the data loads into the grid, but it does not automatically save to the underlying dataset. As soon as I click into the grid again, it refreshes and all the extra rows in the grid are lost.

Is there a way to load the new rows imported from the XLS file back to the dataset as it loads?



Unfortunately no, currently only reading from a dataset is supported

and direct editing the cells to save the data. We have added this on our feature request list for investigation.

Kind Regards, 

Hi Pieter,

Thanks for the reply, I will write my own handler for now and save back to the dataset.

This would be a very useful feature when loading from csv or XLS for a future TMS release. 

