googme maps doesnt work

I have 14.0.59 intraweb version, i put TIWWebGMaps1 and



      TIWWebGMapsGeocoding1.Address := 'Berlin';

      if TIWWebGMapsGeocoding1.LaunchGeocoding = erOk then


       TIWWebGMaps1.MapOptions.DefaultLatitude := TIWWebGMapsGeocoding1.ResultLatitude;

       TIWWebGMaps1.MapOptions.DefaultLongitude := TIWWebGMapsGeocoding1.ResultLongitude;



I aleays get erOtherProblem, map doesnt work....

in debbuging, i got message:

"Could not load SSL library"...


Can you please make sure your IntraWeb application has access to the Google Maps API url (
Maybe a firewall or proxy server is blocking access?

how can i chek that IntraWeb application has access to the Google Maps API url ?

You can try to paste the URL below in a browser or place a TWebBrowser control on an IntraWeb form and navigate to the URL.


If there is XML code returned the URL is accessible.

i dont have this component on selection, TWebBrowser ...

But this link "" Works on my browser, it returns xml code

When i create new IW project and put map and geocoding componet, it Works..

In my older project, which i started in older IW version, it doesnt work..

I see that this new servercontroller uses TLSv12 instead SSLv3 and some other changes...

Maybe this is the reason while it doesnt work ?

in debbuging, i got message:

"Could not load SSL library"...

Maybe you find some tips here:

thanks for help

i downloaded last version files dll from openssl and now its work