Google Directions API marked Legacy

Just got news that the Google Directions API has been marked Legacy

They aren't disabling the API, you just can't create new ones from the console.

But that brings up a question. How does FNC Maps utilize these APIs? We use both the TMSFCNRouteCalculator and the TMSFNCDirections componets but they both tick up Google Directions API calls.



  • The TTMSFNCDirections component uses the Google Directions API, but you can use the TTMSFNCGoogleRoutes component as an alternative. The TTMSFNCGoogleRoutes uses the new Google Routes API and offers similar functionality as the TTMSFNCDirections component.
    More information can be found in the online doc: TTMSFNCMaps - TMS FNC Maps

  • The TTMSFNCRouteCalculator also uses the Google Directions API. Unfortunately the Google Routes API is not yet supported in TTMSFNCRouteCalculator. This is planned for a future version of TMS FNC Maps.

Ok, thanks for the prompt response.