Getting DBGrid Values after NarrowDown

I am trying to get the selected values from a DbADVGrid that has a DataSource linked to a Query with about 300 records returned.

'dbgGrowNames' Is the Grid Name. Code for Double Click on the Grid :

procedure TfrmGinImp.dbgGrowNamesDblClickCell(Sender: TObject; ARow, ACol: Integer);
  sGrowName, sGrowNum : string;
   sGrowName := dbgGrowNames.Cells[1, ARow]);
   sGrowNum := dbgGrowNames.Cells[2, ARow]);

This Works Correctly.
However, when I want to use an EditBox with a NarrowDown function linked to the Grid the ARow value does not have the correct row for the Grid any more.

I found GetRealRow function.

eg. This is after Grid has been 'NarrowedDown' to about 5-10 records

procedure TfrmGinImp.dbgGrowNamesDblClickCell(Sender: TObject; ARow, ACol: Integer);
  iActualRow : Integer;
  sGrowName, sGrowNum : string;

  iActualRow := dbgGrowNames.GetRealRow;    // Not the Narrowed Row Number (Arow)

  sGrowNum := dbgGrowNames.Cells[2, iActualRow];

  with dmClass.qryGrowNames do         // This is the Base Query
    Locate('Id No', sGrowNum, []);
    sGrowName := FieldByName('Sort Name').AsString;  // From Query
  end; // with

This works sometimes but in most cases the GetRealRow Value is not correct.
Does anyone have any ideas on this.

Did you set grid.PageMode = false?

When grid.PageMode = false, using grid.Cells[x,ARow] should keep working.

Yes, I had PageMode set to False;

I have found a workaround to this by using 'OnDblClick' instead of 'OnDblClickCell' and setting the Row instead of the using ARow passed in 'OnDblClickCell' :

procedure TfrmGinImp.dbgGrowNamesDblClick(Sender: TObject);
  iActualRow : Integer;
  iActualRow := dbgGrowNames.Row;
  sGrowNum := trim(dbgGrowNames.Cells[2, iActualRow]);