GeoLocation Error

Running the IW11IPhoneDemo I get the following error if I click the Set Current Location button (on call to   TIWIPhoneGeolocation1.RetrieveLocation):
EConvertError - '41,42729371' is not a valid floating point value
I am in the US.  We use a period for the decimal seperator so perhaps it should be 41.42729371 instead?
I created a new test app from scratch to see if maybe it was something stored in the demo but had the same results.
Perhaps a bug?
Thank you for reporting.

I have been able to trace and fix this issue.
The update will be available with the next release of the IW iPhone controls pack


I also noticed that it seems to ask the user twice if the site can know their location, prior to triggering the error above.  Perhaps a side effect of the same problem.

I have not been able to reproduce this issue.
It can indeed be related to the decimal seperator issue.