GDIPpicturecontainer will not install


First time on the forum and hoping for someone to help.
I have RAD studioXE enterprise version 15.0.3953.35171 installed and tried to install the smooth controls pack.
At first al looked oke (all components are in the component palet) but later I  found that the gdippicturecontainer was not installed. I don`t know if other components are missing.
I tried reinstalling (also with the administrator option) but nothing seems to solve the problem.
What is going wrong?

TGDIPPictureContainer is not part of the TMS Smooth Controls Pack.. It is part of TMS Component Pack. See: 

In that  case I suppose I can use the megamenu with an imagelist.

The controls look very nice so I think I will buy the complete pack in the near future.

Yes, an imagelist can be used.