I'm using a Frame inside WebFrom with HTML Template
I discovered that WebCore generates a "ghost" DIV inside page at design place of Frame inside Form
In WebPage the div covers the Input filed preventing to click it to enter for edition
This disturbing DIV seems linked to Frame zone inside Form from IDE Designer
Is there a way to avoid generation of such not useful DIV inside HTML Page ?
The same thing happens with other Frame inside page used for Menu
Many Thanks
How exactly is the frame in this template linked to your web form?
Hi Bruno
The frame isn't link to any DOM object inside HTML Template as there isn't any property to do that (element*)
But all objects inside Frame are linked to DOM Object in Template.
I was surprised that Frame was converted it self as DIV (but finally it seems logical as it can catch events)
Could you isolate this and build a small sample source project with which we can see this problem here and try to understand?
Of course Bruno
I will prepare today a small project using a template page in similar way (form + frame)
Is there a solution?
I have the same problem.
Is there documentation for TFrame and TWebFrame?
I have some TFrame (without HTML) in the program. Since my web designer creates the HTML templates in a similar way to how we create our programs, we cannot use HTML in Delphi Frames.
Hi Thomas
Using HTML Template for TwebForm, I didn't include HTML code in TFrame
I only use TWebComponents inside it binded to ElementID inside HTML used fo WebForm
Per example, I used it for Header and Footer of each page (HTML Template for each TWebForm includes them)
Control codes are drived by TFrame like I did in TWebForm
/!\ But to avoid issue I mentioned due to included TFrame, I had to reduce its size in TWebForm to couple of pixels.
Thanks for the info.
It's similar for me. I don't have any HTML in the frame either.
I'm currently trying to solve it without "Form/Frame". A simple unit. I just have to create the components there manually once.
It's more work, but I don't have any problems with automatic HTML.
Basically we both need some kind of data module for visual components :-)