Format error


if  i run the following code i get the same output for %s
s := Number:17.09.2014 Date: 17.09.2014 Date: 17.09.2014 Date: 17.09.2014

//Code using scripter pro 6.4
var s : String;
    id : Integer;

  s := 'Number:%s  Date:%s  Date:%s  Date:%s';
  id := 0;
  s := format(s,[Inttostr(id),DateToStr(Date),DateToStr(Date),DateToStr(Date)]);

Well, I don't see this problem here. I just open IDEPro demo, replaced the code in main unit by the code you mentioned, and it outputs ok.

No, test it with XE2! and the imports\xe2 you get the error!!

You are right, error only happens in XE2 (I tested here with both older (Delphi 7) and newer (Delphi XE5) versions, and only Delphi XE2 has this problem.

He have fixed this issue and it will be included in next release. If you want it right now, please send us a direct e-mail so I can send you the fix.