FNCToolbar control rounding

Toolbar controls such as the font name and size pickers respond to setting the Appearance.Rounding value, but not the TTMSFNCToolBarButton - it's corners don't change.

Also, the rounded corners on the controls that do work look pretty bad - is it possible to get anti-aliased borders?

Thanks, Bob

Hi Bob,

We have checked it here and see rounding can apply on a TTMSFNCToolBarButton:


Anti-Aliased borders can be achieved by using the following workaround:

  TTMSFNCToolBarButtonOpen = class(TTMSFNCToolBarButton);

procedure TForm12.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  TTMSFNCToolBarButtonOpen(TMSFNCToolBarButton1).NativeCanvas := True;

Hi Pieter - I realise now what's different - I was using flatstyle = true on the button and = false on the font control. So is rounding not possible with flat style?

Thanks, Bob

This is by design, flatstyle is forcing a normal rectangle. Only when flatstyle is false, a rounded rectangle is drawn.

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