FNCSearchList Reverse Scrolling

I have a problem with FNCSearchList. The scrolling is reversed. If I set the "WeelIncrement" property to -8, the scrolling is fine but I get an "argument out of bound" error at the beginning of the list.

We applied a fix. The next update will address this.

Hi Bruno,
The fix is ​​not in the release [v4.1.0.3] of november 05.

Hi, we doublechecked and the latest release should contain the fix.

No I checked. There is also a second bug. The focus on selected item is lost when I scroll down or up. The focus goes on the first line of the displayed list.

How can we reproduce this error "argument out of bounds"?

With this test, we cannot see a problem when scrolling with the wheel:

  i: integer;
  TMSFNCSearchList1.WheelIncrement := -8;
  for i := 0 to 50 do
    TMSFNCSearchList1.Items.Add.Captions[0] := 'item '+ i.ToString;


for the message "out of bounds", it's now fixed.

Scrolling problem.
WheelIncrement is 1
I select item 0
I scroll down 1 time: No scrolling
I scroll up 1 time: item 1 is selected
I scroll down 1 time: item 8 is selected.
After, it is impossible to display item 0.

the focus does not stay on selected item like TListBox

Can you reproduce this bug ?