FNCGrid on the web - Search/Filter with input in Column Header

is possible to have editors in Column Headers of FNCGrid for input search or filter values? This features is not present in FNCGrid but very comfortable and always present in other libraries.
I'm referring to FNCGrid for the web.

This is not possible currently. We'll add this on our feature request list.

Ok Pieter,
We can't find a way to use advanced grids like in desktop applications, unfortunately. This blocks porting of vcl applications to WebCore. Fantastic tool but still not ready for massive migration from Delphi VCL software (using advanced components of TMS and Devexpress).
I'm trying all possible combinations of components, but I can't find the ideal solution right now.
Good work

Any news on this feature?

We don't have any info on this right now. We are currently reworking the grid and will take this into account.

Hi Pieter,
after 9 months, there are news on FNCGrid (web) with Search/Filter capabilities and other advanced features?


For TMS FNC Grid, that's not possible unfortunately. We are currently working on a new solution that should allow adding editors in column headers.