FNCGrid and DefaultFont

I think, the DefaultFont property does not work.
Or I don't know what it's good for.

When I add columns to a grid, I expect the new column to inherit the default values.

For my own I have changed the source:

constructor TTMSFNCGridColumn.Create(Collection: TCollection);


  FFont := TTMSFNCGraphicsFont.Create;
  if FGrid.DefaultFont <> nil then FFont.Assign( FGrid.DefaultFont);  // this is new
  FFixedFont := TTMSFNCGraphicsFont.Create;
  if FGrid.DefaultFont <> nil then FFixedFont.Assign( FGrid.DefaultFont);   // this is new


Is this ok? Or do you have another solution.


The DefaultFont is used as a backup in case the NormalLayout and FixedLayout can't be found.

When you create a new column it should normally pickup these layouts, with the font, and apply them.