FNCGrid Adding and removing columns in Runtime


Maybe I'm overlooking something, but I can't manage to add and delete columns at runtime:

FNCGrid.Clear visually clears the entire grid, which is fine.
However, the columns still remain in the .Columns property.

If I delete them one by one using FNCGrid.Columns.Delete(index), all columns are removed.

But when I then execute NewCol := FNCGrid.Columns.Add;, the new column does not appear visually in the grid.

Am I missing a property or function that controls the visible columns?


Use TMSFNCGrid1.Columns.Clear and wrap it in BeginUpdate/EndUpdate to visualize changes in the grid. Also, if you are working on a new project or exploring fnc grid, please consider using TMS FNC Data Grid instead ("TTMSFNCDataGrid"), which is a better and has more performance.