FNCEdit AutoThousandSeparator

Good morning to all,

in android application in fncedit component i set edittype to float value, precision 2 and autothousandseparator to true.

When changing value and type, for example, 1000,00 the separator is not applied.

It's applied only when the focus goes to another control.

Just out of the fncedit the value is displayed correctly (1.000,00).

It this correct??

Thank's for reply

In Android, there is currently a technical issue going on with the keyboard that prevents us from supporting this component, we are investigating a series of solutions. As soon as the solution that we are currently testing is ok we'll apply an update that will enable Android support for this component.

Under android in the same form and in different fncedit, the autothousandseparator has a different result.

I'll wait for future news ...

Thank's for all

