The FMX FNC ComboBox allows updating when Locked = true (which would be incorrect operation). The VCL version of the same does not allow updating when Enabled = false (as expected).
For the FMX version, I did create a workaround that roughly goes:
int CB_LockedAt = -1;
bool CB_InChange = false;
void __fastcall TForm1::CBItemSelected(TObject *Sender, UnicodeString AText, int AItemIndex)
if (! CB_InChange) {
CB_InChange = true;
if (CB->Locked) {
CB->ItemIndex = CB_LockedAt;
} else {
//============= Place code that would normally be in ItemSelected() event here
CB_LockedAt = CB->ItemIndex;
CB_InChange = false;
where CB is the name of the combo box.
But this should be fixed in the FNC UI Pack so that I don't need to add such code to my system.