FNCComboBox (FMX version) allows changes when Locked = true

The FMX FNC ComboBox allows updating when Locked = true (which would be incorrect operation). The VCL version of the same does not allow updating when Enabled = false (as expected).

For the FMX version, I did create a workaround that roughly goes:

int CB_LockedAt = -1;
bool CB_InChange = false;

void __fastcall TForm1::CBItemSelected(TObject *Sender, UnicodeString AText, int AItemIndex)

if (! CB_InChange) {
CB_InChange = true;

		if (CB->Locked) {
			CB->ItemIndex = CB_LockedAt;
		} else {
			//============= Place code that would normally be in ItemSelected() event here

	CB_LockedAt = CB->ItemIndex;

	CB_InChange = false;


where CB is the name of the combo box.

But this should be fixed in the FNC UI Pack so that I don't need to add such code to my system.


I'm not sure I fully understand. The Locked property as per
Embarcadero documentation is only meant to lock the control at design time, it has nothing to do with how the control behaves at run time: FMX.Types.IControl.Locked - RAD Studio API Documentation

The VCL Enabled property enables/disables the control at run time, not design time. FMX also has an Enabled property for this.