FNCCHAT - Status Message

Good morning,
I would like to be able to put next to the time under the message also the status of the message ( Sent, delivered, failed...etc )

Where the time is I can only put the time ?
How can I get the result 06 Nov 08:59 ( read )

These are the settings I used

     // Time show and Format
     chat.MessageTimestamp.Font.Name  := chat.GlobalFont.Name;
     chat.MessageTimestamp.Font.Size  := 9;
     chat.MessageTimestamp.Font.Style := [fsItalic];
     chat.MessageTimestamp.Format     := 'dd mmm hh.nn';
     chat.MessageTimestamp.Show       := true;

     // ..and where I load new message
     item.Timestamp := mmMSG.FieldByName('Data').AsDateTime;


Support can help please ?
is there a way to change this text ?


can you add a property STATUS on CHAT component to manage message status like whatsapp ?

I appreciate anyone who can help

We are currently investigating this, stay tuned

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Currently we don't have a Status property. However, it is a good idea and we'll look into adding something similar.

In the meantime, you can achieve this with a custom drawing implementation, replacing the default timestamp drawing using the OnBeforeDrawTimestamp event:

procedure TForm2.TMSFNCChat1BeforeDrawTimestamp(Sender: TObject;
  AGraphics: TTMSFNCGraphics; ARect: TRectF; AItem: TTMSFNCChatItem;
  var AAllow: Boolean);
  sText: string;
  sSize: Single;
  //1. Disable the default drawing:
  AAllow := False;

  //2. Get your text that you are going to append to the timestamp:
  //(TODO: ideally you want this dynamically, e.g. via AItem.DataString)
  sText := ' (read) '; 

  //3. Shift ARect to the left, so it can fit the appended text:
  //(Use CalculateTextWidth to know the size)
  sSize := AGraphics.CalculateTextWidth(sText);
  ARect.Left := ARect.Left - sSize;

  //4. Finally, draw the timestamp + text:
  AGraphics.DrawText(ARect, FormatDateTime(TMSFNCChat1.MessageTimestamp.Format, AItem.Timestamp) + sText);