FNC Memo issues

I'm using this with WEB Core. I set up two of these side-by-side with a splitter in between to show differences in a file.

I noticed that there's a way to highlight lines:

        DiagCompare1_memo.LineHighlight[n] := True;
        DiagCompare2_memo.LineHighlight[n] := True;

I made a change in the 2nd line of my data where 'n' = 1 (it was in a TWebMemo, and Lines is 0-based.)

I loaded the data into the FNC Memo, and nothing was added or missing. But with n=1, the FIRST line was highlighted, while the actual difference was in the SECOND line. I had to add one to n to get the correct line to highlight, suggesting that this Lines property is 1-based.

I also found that the highlight color is a dark red, and with black font, it's nearly impossible to read the text. I wanted to change the highlight color, but couldn't find any way to do it. Please add this.


Thank you for reporting this, we have fixed this and it will be included in the next version of the TMS FNC UI Pack.

This is one of our priorities to implement but it will take some time to investigate this.

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