FNC database adapter not working on WEB project (Sirolo BUG?)

My WEBcore project was working just fine until I installed the new version of TMSwebcore Sirolo today (Jul 26, 2021).
Since the FNC grid offers more funcionality, I implemented a grid for a master-detail form with it instead of the WebGrid.
Now I have this:

[Error] WEBLib.TMSFNCGridData.pas(719): No matching implementation for interface method "procedure ITMSFNCDataBinderGrid.DataInsertRow(Longint) of Object" found

Of course I thought it was my code so I did some tests, nothing successful. Then I opened the grid samples (grid and grid databaseadapter) from TMSwebcore/demos/FNC/ in my component folder, and found that those factory samples also fail with the same error.
The regular FNC Grid VCL version, not web, works fine, so my conclusion is that something in the new WebCore version is causing the trouble.

Just to be sure, I uninstalled all tms components, cleaned the folders, then reinstalled Webcore and FNC. Results are the same.

The Sydney compiler opens WEBLIB.TMSFNCGridData and puts line 719 in red when reporting the error. Line is:
TTMSFNCGridData = class(TTMSFNCCustomScrollControl, ITMSFNCBitmapContainer, ITMSFNCDataBinderGrid)
Which is the declaration that causes the error.

I can confirm that installing today`s FNC packs , July 27 version fixed this error.

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Thanks for reporting! The latest version of FNC is indeed required to work with TMS WEB Core 1.8