Is it possible to add null values , to actually not draw values in between lines ?
This feature is important because there are normal missing values in real data.
Especially for XY with datetime X series.
thank you,
Vojko Cendak
Is it possible to add null values , to actually not draw values in between lines ?
This feature is important because there are normal missing values in real data.
Especially for XY with datetime X series.
thank you,
Vojko Cendak
This is currently not possible.
We'll add this on our feature request list.
How's this new feature going ?
This is really useful for displaying real data (with missing measurements).
regards, Vojko
We haven't yet allocated time to investigate this. We are planning to work on the TTMSFNCChart in the near future and will consider this feature request.
It' been almost 2 years. It's almost impossible to use chart
if that feature is not implemented.
Other chart components have this feature.
Are you actually going to implement this feature ?
thank you, Vojko Cendak
We are currently working on 2 new features for TMS FNC Chart. After the update, null values are next on the list.
As a temporary workaround, you could use the following code:
procedure TForm5.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
TMSFNCChart1.Series[0].Points[3].DataString := 'empty';
procedure TForm1.TMSFNCChart1BeforeDrawSerieLine(Sender: TObject;
AGraphics: TTMSFNCGraphics; ASerie: TTMSFNCChartSerie;
var ADrawLine: TTMSFNCChartDrawLine; var ADefaultDraw: Boolean);
ADefaultDraw := ADrawLine.EndReference.DataString <> 'empty';