FMXTableView BackButton

Is there a way to convert the back button so that it turns into an Add button that is visible when the tableview is not showing a detail view, and a back button when the detail view is visible?

Also the buttons on the footer continue to show the default text (Archive, Move, Mark) when the table is put into edit mode, and don't update until an item is checked. How can I force a refresh?


The back button has a specific function, there is currently no way to override this. We have traced and solved the issue with the footer buttons, the next version will have this fixed.

Kind Regards, 

Thanks Pieter, I hoped there might be after seeing that the back button had an AllowCustomize property in the Style designer. Perhaps this could be a future feature? After all you provide delete/ back and edit buttons, an Add button is the only one missing.

My work around at the moment is as follows:
1. In the Edit Custom Style Designer, I have put another BarButton button in the header and set its StyleLookup property to headeraddbutton, and assigned an action that will add items to the table.

2. To change its visible properties in the OnItemBeforeDetail and OnItemReturnDetail, I use  (MyTableView.FindStyleResource('headeraddbutton') as TTMSFMXBarButton).visible := false/true

This does cause the header text to become off-centred though, but that's a small price to pay.

This works in a win 32 app, but I will need to test on other devices. fingers crossed:-)


The header edit / back button is placed inside the header HTML text element, so to keep the text centered you could add the add button inside as well.

We will investigate here if we can add an additional button that implements this feature.

Kind Regards, 

Hi Pieter,
Tried your idea about placing the add button inside the header HTML text element, and it did center the text, many thanks.

I would like to make another suggestion.

The current text for the Edit button in EditMode is 'Cancel', but most users are used to the idea that cancelling an edit operation would undo any actions taken. Changing it to 'Done' would remove misunderstandings.


We have added a property to control the cancel button kind. In the next version you will be able to change the cancel button to a done button with the following code:

  TMSFMXTableView1.EditCancelKind := bkDone;

Kind Regards, 