FMXGrid and AdaptToStyle

If I use a Stylebook and the AdaptToStyle option the alignments (e.g. right justify) of the columns get lost. Do I have to set this programmatically? And when I have to, which event is the best?

Did it programmatically in the GetCellLayout event

Next problem is that the backgroundcolor can't be set with AdaptToStyle enabled.
When I switch it off the color which is set in the GetCellLayout is shown correctly.

Which backgroundcolor? The color of the cell or the grid itself?

Can you provide us with sample code that reproduces this.

The background of the cell. I'm changing the background color to use it as an indicator.

In the OnGetCellLayout event:

  if Grid.Cells[1, ARow] = '1' then
    ALayout.Fill.Color :=  TAlphaColor(cAcceptedRowColor);

This is working well if I don't enable the AdaptToStyle property of the grid. I'm using Delphi 10 and a StyleBook with Windows 10 Modern Style.


We will investigate this here as soon as possible.


The normal cell fill doesn't have the kind set to solid, can you try by forcing the Kind to Solid as well:

ALayout.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.Solid;

Thank you. This is working!