FMX.TMSBaseControl not found

Hello, I've installed delphi 10.3 Rio (official version)
I'm using theTMS Pack for FireMonkey v3.7.0.0
When I place a TMSFMXPanel on the form and compile the application
It gives the error: [dcc64 Fatal Error] Unit1.pas(11): F2613 Unit 'FMX.TMSBaseControl' not found.

When I look into that directory on my computer:
C:\Users<myusername>\Documents\tmssoftware\TMS FMX UI Pack\Delphi103Rio\Android\Release
The directory is empty..

Might this be the cause for the compiler error?

Do I need to re-install the FMX Pack?

Hope I made it clear. Otherwise please let me know then I can provide more detailed info.

Did you install TMS FMX UI Pack latest version via the automated installer?

Yes I did install the FMX UI Pack via the automated installer.
And I've also installed  Rad Studio 10.3 Rio via the webinstaller (not the ISO)
(I saw a message that the ISO had some bad directory references)

can you verify that the library path is correctly pointing to the sources?

I'd like to send you an image how the library path is set up: but don't know how to insert a local image
Can I send it by email?

Please send it to