Please fix this ASAP. We are redy to provide You excel file where it occur.
Please fix this ASAP. We are redy to provide You excel file where it occur.
Adrian, Thank You for your fast answer.
Both 4.0 and 5.0 might run out of stack space while recalculating, if you have little stack size (like the 256kb of IIS/win2003) and thousands of formulas like:
Hello Adrian.
We've tried to extend stack size for IIS, This hasn't fixed the issue. We plan to roll back to Flexcel version which we used before.
Waiting for update of Flexcel lib.Hi,
We can't really make an update fixing this until we know what is the problem we have to fix. As said, I tried the code here in a clean IIS, no visual studio, and it works without issues.
Hello Adrian.
Please try to get me some test or something I can use to pinpoint the problem. Sadly you shouldn't use FlexCel 4.9 since it doesn't work with Excel 2010:
Adrian, we will do on the next Tuesday.
Sorry, right now haven't enough time to create test application. Will do this on the next week. Thanks for your help. We will return to this disscussion any way. We are interesting to solve the issue, because we need suport of xlsx files and office 2010 in our system.