first Event after fetching data using Pagemode=T

Using: Pagemode = True;
DataSetType: dtNonSequenced;  (MySQL database)

One Col has to be filled with a AddProgressFormatted.

Because i have to use Pagemode = True, after scrolling new rows appear which also need a "AddProgressFormatted event".

Whitch event should be used?

(i notice that the OnDrawCell and OnGetCellColor events are very inefficient. (these events will trigger to often to do the job)) and demand too much system rescources.

Code to put in the the Event:

  if (ARow > 0) and (ACol = 10) then
      if (GrdAspect.cells[11, ARow] = 'TEXT') then
          GrdAspect.RemoveProgress(10, ARow)
          if Trunc(GrdAspect.CellToReal(10, ARow)) < -1 then
              s := 'Nog ' + FloatToStr(Abs(GrdAspect.CellToReal(10, ARow))) + ' dagen';
              GrdAspect.AddProgressFormatted(10, ARow,clGreen,clBlack,clInfoBk,clBlack,s, 0, -30 )

          if Trunc(GrdAspect.CellToReal(10,ARow)) = -1 then
            GrdAspect.AddProgressFormatted(10, ARow,clGreen,clBlack,clInfoBk,clBlack,'Nog 1 dag' , 0, -30 );

          if Trunc(GrdAspect.CellToReal(10,ARow)) = 0 then
            GrdAspect.AddProgressFormatted(10, ARow,clGreen,clBlack,clInfoBk,clBlack,'Vandaag' , 0, -30 ) ;

          if Trunc(GrdAspect.CellToReal(10,ARow)) = 1 then
            GrdAspect.AddProgressFormatted(10, ARow,clRed,clBlack,clInfoBk,clBlack,'1 dag te laat',0, 7 );

          if Trunc(GrdAspect.CellToReal(10,ARow)) > 1 then
            GrdAspect.AddProgressFormatted(10, ARow,clRed,clBlack,clInfoBk,clBlack,'%d dagen te laat',0, 7 );

To have a progressbar in the DBAdvGrid, please use grid.Columns[index].ProgressField = true and additional settings can be set via grid.Columns[index].Progress* properties. There is no need to call grid.AddProgress*()