Find a word in an Excel document

I am looking for a way to have the position (row, column) to a word in my document.
Is it possible to do something like TCellAdress *myCellAdress = Xls->find(TCellValue("myword")) or something like that ?

Thanks for your help,


Indeed, it is very similar to what you typed:

      TCellAddress addr = TCellAddress::Empty();
      addr = xls->Find(TCellValue::Create((UnicodeString)"hello"), TXlsCellRange::Null(), addr, true, false, false, false);

Note that you can keep calling

      addr = xls->Find(TCellValue::Create((UnicodeString)"hello"), TXlsCellRange::Null(), addr, true, false, false, false);

To find other positions of the word in the document.

When the returned add.IsNull() is true, then there are no more occurrences of the word.

Thanks for your answer, it works very well.