Filtering a projection like "HAVING" in SQL

I am looking for a way to filter projection results in the following code:

  result := Manager.Find<TCptMvt>
              .CreateAlias('ApurID', 'aa')
              .CreateAlias('CptID', 'cc')
              ).Where(TLinq.Neq(TProjections.Sql<currency>('{TOTAL}'), 0))

In this case, I would like to retrieve only rows where Total ('SUM((1-2*{CR})*{MONTANT})') is not equal to 0
Does anyone with more talent have an idea? Thanks

You can try

.Where(((Linq.Literal(1) - Linq.Literal(2) * Linq['CR']) * Linq['MONTANT']).Sum <> 0)


  , 0))

The Sum being explicit outside the SQL expression will make Aurelius put the condition expression in HAVING clause automatically.

The first form with Literal raises ENonPublicType expcetion "Type ':2' s not declared in the inteface section of the unit":

result := Manager.Find<TCptMvt>
          .CreateAlias('ApurID', 'aa')
          .CreateAlias('CptID', 'cc')
           .Where(((Linq.Literal(1) - Linq.Literal(2) * Linq['CR']) * Linq['MONTANT']).Sum <> 0)

The second form do not filter zeroed values :

result := Manager.Find<TCptMvt>
          .CreateAlias('ApurID', 'aa')
          .CreateAlias('CptID', 'cc')
          .Where(TLinq.Neq(TProjections.Sql<currency>('((1-2*{CR})*{MONTANT})'), 0))


I apologize, I made a mistake in the transcription for the second syntax, wich works. For the first one, we have to specify explicit type with {integer}:

.Where(((Linq.Literal<integer>(1) - Linq.Literal<integer>(2) * TLinq['CR']) * TLinq['MONTANT']).Sum <> Linq.Literal<integer>(0))

Thank you

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