Error with TWebMemo.Lines.Count() TStrings error?

Web applications using TWebMemo features fails under the new version 1.7. The property TWebMemo.Lines.Count retun always 1 line for a text with multiple lines, seems like the charater sequence for new line has been change or undefined. The root of the problem seems to be in the TString class, any function like TStrings.Values now fail...

Even a simple TWebMemo report Lines.Count = 1 for a a multiline text

Warning: For TWebMemo.Lines.Text set under the designer works fine. But a simple edit of the text alter the value of Lines.Count to value 1

For reproduce the error:

Place 2 TWebMemo controls, set lines for TWebMemo1 in any multiple lines, a TWebButton with the OnClick code:

procedure TForm1.WebButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
WebMemo2.Lines.Add(format('[ %d ] Lines. Text:', [WebMemo1.Lines.Count]));

At the first OnClick report the correct number of lines, edit the text in TWebMemo1 (add lines for example). The subsequent calls to OnClick always return Lines.Count in 1...

All libraries using TStrings or TStringList fails too, functions like TStrings.Values not work Ok, and so on...

Checked, the problem is a mixed use of new line sequences, TWebMemo.Text uses the Web standard Unix/Linux #10 as new line, TStrings class uses the Windows sequence: #13#10.

All text from the web/browser asigned to a TString class or descendant is handled like a single line !!

Any code related with TStrings failed !!

The line of code added fix the particular case of the previous sample:

WebMemo1.Text := StringReplace(WebMemo1.Text, #10, #13#10, [rfReplaceAll]);
procedure TForm1.WebButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
   WebMemo1.Text := StringReplace(WebMemo1.Text, #10, #13#10, [rfReplaceAll]);

   WebMemo2.Lines.Add(format('[ %d ] Lines. Text:', [WebMemo1.Lines.Count]));

We meanwhile addressed this regression.
We will release a hotfix for this asap.