Error using Flexcell from IntraWeb ISAPI

When I use Flexcel from an ISAPI IntraWeb application I get:  Error trying to create an empty image of dimensions 1 x 1 and PixelFormat "2498570".

It works fine when using my application in StandAlone server mode.
Any ideas?
Regards Martin


Are you calling FlexCelDllInit?

If you aren't please make sure to call it as explained in the "Api Developers Guide" (UsingFlexCelAPI.pdf) in the section "Using FlexCel inside a dll"

There have been another of discussion also in this forum:

And it was fixed after calling FlexCelDllInit /Shutdown.

Thank you that was the problem. I will try to search more effective next time.

Great to know it worked, thanks for letting me know :)

The dll stuff isn't indeed the simplest thing to find, and I wish we could find a simpler way to make it work without you having to call FlexCelDllInit. But given the way GDI+ works, it is not simple to avoid it.