Error size files with TMS Subscription manager


We try to use TMS Subscription manager in order to install TMS Pack.

The first time the connection was ok but we had a message "Size file error ..." and the install failed. We must restart the install.
The second time the connection was ok but we can't download the file exceed then number of download (one per IP).

What can we do now ?

Thanks in advance for an aswer


I have cleared the download logs, you should be able to redownload the setup.

Scheldeman Pieter


The problem remaind.

The error message is : Filesize incorrect. Restart Subscription Manager and retry.


Is there something with your internet connection ?
We cannot see a problem here with the downloads from the subscription manager.

We have no problem with the Internet Connection.

We have a FireWall that restrict the port we can use. All ports are blocked exept ports we needed.

We have downloaded TMS Async32, TMS Instrumentation Workshop, TAdvSpredGrid, TMS CETools, TMS Skin Factory but not TMS Component Pack.
