I upgraded today to Delphi 11.2 and applied patch 2
I did a installation selecting manual
I am getting the following error when installing TMSCloudPkgDEDXE14
[dcc32 Fatal Error] CloudStorageFieldMappingEdit.pas(1): F2084 Internal Error: AV501A4187(50130000)-R00000000-0
We are currently investigating this issue and will report back as soon as possible.
We could reproduce this problem and it looks like an IDE / compiler problem.
- Perform a build of TMSCloudPkgDXE14 & TMSCloudPkgDEDXE14 from the IDE
- Go to : Component, Install Packages ..., pick the generated TMSCloudPkgDXE14.bpl and TMSCloudPkgDEDXE14.bpl from step 1) and add.
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