Error DBGridPackDEd2011.bpl

Hello guys,

       Delphi XE.

                 I have a problem, I have a component (original TMS Memo) and bought 2 more (TMS Advanced ToolBars, TMS Grid Pack), but the 3 can not be installed together because of problems already reported on TMS official website, because they share the same package.

                 Yesterday I stayed from 6:00 pm until 10:00 pm following tutorials from TMS itself and I was able to install all components TMS Memo and TMS Advanced ToolBars, but only some TMS Grid Pack.

                When compiling the package "DBGridPackDEd2011.bpl" I get the following error message "Could not Complie use unit AdvGlowButtonRegDE";

Your question was answered by direct email.

Thanks for the feedback!

Where should I download this package because the site only has the trial version and my panel does not have this download link?