Error compiling a new project -

Error compiling a new project

My web tms license shows error when compile a new empty project displays
Pas2JS Compiler version 1.0.2 [2018/09/26] for Win32 i386 / TMS WEB Core version v1.0.5.3
Access violation at address 4161A3F1 in module "libpas2js.dll". Read of address 00000000
[Fatal Error] Access violation at address 4161A3F1 in module "bds.exe". Read of address 00000000
I have already looked at the forum and says that it has problems with trial and fnc.

I do not have fnc installed neither trial nor full. 

What is the command-line displayed in the IDE output window with which the compiler is started?
Do you have the project you compile in a folder with no permission restrictions?

My delphi and licensed tokyo

Complete error message

I already gave permission on the folder
C: \ Users \ Public

I copied the folder to another location on the c: \ drive
C: \ Projects \ Components \ Delphi \ Tokyo \ TMS \ tmssoftware

and changed the paths in tools / options / TMS web

and it worked, compiled and rolled.

Now I'm going to start my studies.

thank you

Thanks for reporting.
I can only suspect that with the first folder you were using, there were access permission issues.